
Learn the particular features of procedure text

After reading this chapter, you are expected to be able to:

  • Define a procedure text or story
  • Understand the importance of reading procedure text
  • Understand the elements of the story, generic structure, and language features of procedure text story.
  • Analyze and determine how sentences fit into the development of structure.
  • Answer the questions based on the text
  • Be interested in reading more challenging procedure texts

1. What is Procedure text (manuals and tips)?

Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or step. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. It uses how to operate or use a product or tools, to make something new step by step completely.

1.     Text Structure (Generic Structure)

Generic structure used in a manual or tips (procedural text) is:

  1. Goal/aim (or title)
  2. Materials (not required for all procedural texts)
  3. Steps (the actions that must be taken)

2.      Language Elements

Language elements used in procedure text are:

  1. Work steps use Present tense, especially for command sentence
  2. use of technical terms
  3. size
  4. use first, second, next, and then, finally, at last
  5. Clear and good spelling and writing
  6. Pronunciation, stressing, and good intonation when it’s presented

3.     How to Understand Procedure Text

Steps of understanding Procedure Text:

  1. Find the theme
  2. Find the generic structure of text and make sure we understand all of the part of that generic structure.
  3. Remember the sequence of the procedure.
  4. Make sure the meaning of the questions and answer based on the knowledge of the reading the text.

4.     Example and Exercise of Procedure Text

Activity 1 (Reading and Writing)

Learn the following text of “How to Speak English Well”. Then, try to identify the social function, generic structure, and language elements used on the texts.


How to Speak English Well

Use these tips to improve your English.

  1. Surround yourself with English

You don’t need to be in an English-speaking country to surround yourself with English. Find ways to make English part of your everyday life at home, like writing your shopping list, reading the newspaper, listening to the radio, writing a diary in English, or listening to English on your cellphone while traveling to work.

  1. Make English friends

Even if you don’t live in an English-speaking country, there are probably many foreigners living nearby. Find ways to meet native English-speakers; going to foreign bars and restaurants, joining sport and social clubs, or arranging language exchanges. You could even volunteer as a guide at a local tourist attraction to meet English-speakers from all over the world.

  1. Find study partners

You don’t need native speakers to practice your English. Find a study partner, or form an English club and meet regularly to speak English. You can motivate each other, and you will learn by helping others with their problems.

  1. Use authentic materials

Just reading English in textbooks can get boring. Try reading English texts written for and by native speakers. It will be a challenge at first but a lot more interesting once you can do it. If you can’t find English books or magazines, use the Internet to read the news in English every day.

  1. Get online

Get online and you can be in contact with people from all over the world. Join chat rooms or forums, take an online English course, or find a pen pal to practice your English while learning about different cultures. With social media, it’s easier than ever to stay in touch with friends from all over the world.

  1. Set yourself realistic goals

Give yourself a reason for studying: do you want to get a promotion, be able to talk to your foreign colleagues, study abroad, or spend your next holiday in an English-speaking country? Set short-term as well as long-term goals, and keep track of your progress.

  1. Listen to real English

Train your ear by listening to English spoken at normal speed, even if you don’t understand everything. Also practice listening without seeing things written down and don’t be afraid to listen to things several times to catch any interesting or unusual vocabulary in there. It’s easy to find free English podcasts online and news agencies from most English-speaking countries have audio and video news available for free online.

  1. Find fun ways to learn new words

If you like singing, then look up the words for your favorite English songs. Or if you remember what you see, write new words on ‘Post-it’ notes and stick them up around your house. Make funny example sentences or draw little pictures next to new vocabulary to help you remember it.

  1. Learn about the culture

Find out about the people and the culture of English-speaking countries. Learning a language is not just about grammar and vocabulary: it’s about communicating with people who have different ways of thinking as well as speaking.

  1. Whatever you do, have fun!

Learning a language does take work, but you’ll be more likely to stick to it if you are enjoying yourself. Play games, do crossword puzzles, sing songs, read comics, and don’t worry too much about making mistakes – making mistakes is often the way to learn best.


The answer:

Title How to Speak English Well


Social function To describe how to speak English well through some steps.
Generic structure a.    Goal/aim (or title): How to Speak English Well; To describe how to speak english well through some steps.

b.    Materials: –

c.     Steps (the actions that must be taken):

·         Surround yourself with English

·         Make English friends

·         Find study partners

·         Use authentic materials

·         Get online

·         Set yourself realistic goals

·         Listen to real English

·         Find fun ways to learn new words

·         Learn about the culture

·         Whatever you do, have fun!

Language elements a.    Work steps use Present tense, especially for command sentence

b.    use of technical terms

c.    size

d.    use first, second, next, and then, finally, at last


Activity 2 (Reading and writing)

Learn the following manuals here and create your own manuals of learning something related to your program skill




In this procedure we will learn and try to operate a CNC machine. Starting from how to start the engine, enter the program, and turn off the engine properly. Before we do all the steps be sure to wear safe equipment!

How to start the engine

  • Turn the switch that is behind the CNC machine (switch on position)
  • Press ON button
  • Release EMERGENCY button
  • Free spindle by pressing UNLOCK spindle button; so that spindle can operate whenever it is needed.
  • Zero Return by turning the switch to the handle position and then press AUTO return. The purpose is to return the X axis and Z axis to zero position
  • Press the OPR Index button and press the 4 key; so that the operator can edit the program freely


How to set materials and input program

  • Plug material in the chuck
  • Turn on spindle by pressing the MOI button, input M3S800 then press EOB. Press START
  • Facing front of the material! After facing don’t change the position of the Z axis. We can move X axis to make it move away from the material
  • Press OFFSET, input XO and press INPUT button
  • Lathe slightly the diameter of the material then keeps the Z axis out of material. Measure the diameter of the material carefully
  • Press OFFSET, input the Z axis price according to the diameter of the material
  • Press EDIT button
  • Input program that we make
  • Press AUTO button
  • Press START
  • Wait until finish


How to turn of CNC machine

  • Press the spindle button OFF; so the spindle cannot rotate even when it has been programmed before
  • Turn off the EMERGENCY button
  • Press OFF button
  • Turn the switch ON the back of the machine to the OFF position


Some writing and speaking exercises that could be done by students in vocational high school are like the following exercises. As a teacher you can choose one of the items to deliver to your students.


Describe how to:

  1. Change car tire
  2. Do your light vehicle routine maintenance
  3. Prepare personal safety equipment on your workshop
  4. Draw site plan using software application
  5. Create creative product based on your department skill
  6. Create roadway and bridge constructions
  7. Make a good cabinet
  8. Make a school furniture
  9. Do your light vehicle routine maintenance
  10. Draw a panthouse using autocad application
  11. Make a school furniture
  12. Draw site plan using software application
  13. Create creative product based on your department skill
  14. Create roadway and bridge constructions

5.     Reinforcement

Remember the ways how to do the exercises of Procedure Texts:

  1. Read the title. The title is the description of the whole texts you will master.
  2. Read the texts smoothly but clearly. Make sure you master the parts of each generic structure.
  3. Remember each important content and message. Be aware that all of them will be mentioned in the exercises.
  4. Read the questions and answer. Make sure that you know and understand the answers correctly, in which line the answers are written briefly.
  5. Answer all and check once again


_______2018. Plot the Course: Understanding Text Features in Fiction: Resources for the Adult Education Practitioner. Webinar Handbook, December 5, 2018. Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators. 3209 Virginia Avenue – Fort Pierce, FL 34981

Barwick, John. 2006. Targeting Text: Narrative, Poetry, Drama. Australia: Blake Edition.

Gerot, L., & Wignell, P. 1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar: An Introductory Workbook. Antipodean Educational Enterprises Queensland.

Hyland. (N.D). 2002. Teaching and Researching Writing. London: Pearson Education Limited.

Linda, G., & Peter, W. 1995. Making sense of functional grammar. Antipodean Educational Enterpack (AEE). Australia.

Roberta L Sejnost, and Sharon M. Thiese. 2010. Building content literacy: Strategies for the adolescent learner. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. (accessed March 6, 2021)

______ (accessed March 10, 2021)

_______ (accessed March 2, 2021)

_______ Accessed March 14, 2021.

_______Senior High School National Examination 2019)



_______PUSPENDIK BALITBANG. 2019. Soal Ujian Nasional Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA 2019/2020. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Page 3-4. (accessed March 2, 2021)


Tulisan ini diambil dari buku antologiku yang  berjudul,

English Text Learning Materials and Their Exercises: Narrative, Recount, Procedure, and Report Text

Writers                  : Pietra Dorand, Nur Cholifah, Neneng Hendriyani, Ika Purnama Sari

ISBN                        : 978-623-6581-11-7

Editor                     : Neneng Hendriyani

Lay out                   : tim CV

Cover designer     : Cahsantri


First Print               : April 2021



Cakrawala Milenia Jaya

Bumi Karadenan Permai Blok AA8 No.11-12

Cibinong – Bogor Jawa Barat

Page vii+89





Oleh: Neneng Hendriyani, M.Pd.

Menjadi seorang guru sebenarnya bukanlah pilihan utama dan cita-cita bagiku.  Namun karena lahir dari lingkungan keluarga besar pendidik membuatku menyerah memperjuangkan cita-cita awalku saat masih SMA dulu. Seorang wali kelasku sering kali menggodaku dengan mengatakan penampilan, gaya jalan, dan gaya bicaraku lebih cocok sebagai guru daripada profesi lainnya. Saat itu aku tertegun lantas melupakannya. Hingga kemudian datanglah hari di mana aku kemudian tanpa berpikir panjang berjanji kepada guruku tercinta, Jaya Rukmantara (alm). Dia lah sosok yang membuatku kemudian bekerja keras menguasai bidang ini selama delapan semester di Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Ibn Khaldun, Bogor. Diwisuda sebagai lulusan terbaik saat itu membuatku tersadar bahwa ini bukan lagi lelucon hidup. Ini adalah jalan yang harus ditempuh, suka tidak suka.

Robert Lee Frost, penyair Amerika Serikat, dalam puisinya The Road Not Taken membuatku kembali berpikir bahwa menjadi guru adalah jalan lain yang harus diambil saat itu. Tepat usia 21 tahun aku memulai pengabdian sebagai CPNSD termuda di SMK Negeri 1 Cibinong. Sebuah sekolah yang mengantarkanku menjadi sarjana cum laude dengan skripsi tentang kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris dan linguistics sebagai obyek penelitianku selama tiga bulan. Di sekolah yang kemudian ditahbiskan sebagai salah satu sekolah terbaik, terfavorit, dan sekolah berstandar internasional itulah aku belajar menjadi guru di berbagai bidang keahlian seperti rekayasa perangkat lunak, multi media, teknik computer jaringan, teknik konstruksi kayu, teknik gambar bangunan, teknik pemesinan, teknik kendaraan ringan, teknik otomasi industri, teknik logam dan metalurgi dan teknik sistem jaringan. Di sana aku menyadari bahwa bahasa Inggris yang digunakan seyogianya adalah English for Specific Purposes bukan General English. 

Mengajar siswa dari sepuluh bidang keahlian yang berbeda jelas memberikan pengalaman yang kaya untuk seorang pembelajar sepertiku. Perbedaan karakteristik mata pelajaran bengkel yang harus mereka kuasai memengaruhi karakter mereka dalam belajar bahasa asing, terutama bahasa Inggris. Penguasaan TOEIC sebagai salah satu standar tolak ukur kemampuan berbahasa Inggris siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan membuatku harus membimbing dan mendampingi mereka secara penuh agar mereka mendapatkan skor yang tinggi dan meraih beasiswa mengikuti international test of TOEIC.

Kenakalan mereka sebagai siswa yang dahulu dikenal sebagai siswa STM (Sekolah Teknik Mesin) membuatku sadar aku harus tampil tegas, disiplin, dan menyembunyikan kelemahanku sebagai guru perempuan. Berdiri di depan mayoritas siswa laki-laki adalah tantangan terbesar bagiku di era 2003. Lambat laun kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya pendidikan kejuruan membuat sekolah kemudian dibanjiri siswa perempuan. Sejak 2005 aku mulai mengajar beberapa siswa perempuan di kelas-kelas yang dikuasai oleh mayoritas siswa laki-laki. Menjembatani perbedaan gender dengan segala keunikannya saat itu adalah tugas lain sebagai guru yang kujalani.

Enam belas tahun ditempa di sekolah yang menuntut lulusannya berhasil direkrut perusahaan-perusahaan besar menjadikanku seorang yang tak henti belajar banyak hal. Inilah keuntungan menjadi guru. Dia belajar tak hanya dari kampus tetapi juga dari siswa-siswanya.

(Sumber: Dokumen CV Cakrawala Milenia Jaya)


Perkenalan dan hubungan yang intensif selama empat semester dengan para tokoh nasional Muhammadiyah yang mengajariku di bangku kuliah pascasarjana membuatku makin sadar bahwa menjadi guru bukan hanya sekadar menjadi sosok yang digugu dan ditiru. Guru adalah tiang pancang utama, sebuah pondasi bagi struktur kehidupan akademis manusia. Dia adalah seorang INSPIRATOR. Lewat guru seorang siswa bisa membuka dirinya dengan lapang. Lewat guru dia bisa mengungkapkan segala kekurangan dan kelemahannya dengan tenang. Lewat guru pula dia bisa menemukan jati dirinya yang hakiki sebagai manusia beriman. Gurulah cahaya kehidupan.

Kini, jalan yang awalnya tak sengaja kupilih telah menjadi medan juang utama. Tak ada jalan untuk kembali memulai menapaki jalan yang baru. I could not travel both. Dengan segala emosi, tanggung jawab moral sebagai guru, seluruh daya harus dikerahkan kembali untuk tak sekadar menggapai impian tetapi menggenggamnya erat. Jadilah guru Indonesia yang kuat, tabah, dan tetap menyalakan semangat sebagai inspirator bagi kebaikan sesama manusia. Selamat Hari Pendidikan! Bersama Kita Bisa! Indonesia Jaya!(*)

NB: Tulisan ini diambil dari buku antologi ku,  Refleksi Guru Indonesia di Hari Pendidikan

Penulis: I Kadek Widya Wirawan, Rahmiati, Santi Eliyanti, Iso Suwarso, dkk

ISBN   : 978-623-6581-14-8

Editor : Neneng Hendriyani

Lay out: Tim CV

Desain Sampul: Cahsantri

Cetakan Pertama, April 2021